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Hey y’all, I’m Hannah. Let’s be friends
If there’s one thing that I want you to know about me, it’s that Jesus Christ is alive. The grace of the resurrection is TRUE, and it changes everything. It is the cross I bear and the joy I treasure.
But you might also want to know some other things.
I love people and make friends everywhere I go. I practically live at my favorite bakery. Sunsets are my favorite thing in the whole wide world. I think sleep is for the weak, but that might also be because I have three jobs. Yes, I am ambitious (oldest child/ enneagram 3 personality at its finest). Job 1: small business owner specializing in making magic. Job 2: marketing leader at a local restaurant. Job 3: ballet teacher.
Oh, and I’m 26 and a native to Lake Charles, LA. Details.
I started blogging my senior year of high school. I wanted to connect the “everythings” of the world to the grace of the gospel. Eight years later, the Lord is still captivating my soul with His grace and giving me more than enough words to fill a book. Literally. My first book, “Open Hands,” comes out Spring 2024!
“I have not hidden your deliverance within my heart; I have spoken of your faithfulness and your salvation; I have not concealed your steadfast love and your faithfulness from the great congregation.” (Ps 40:10)
Don’t be shy. I’d love to know you, so shoot me an email and let’s encourage one another.
(@princesshannah_p on Insta)