A Hot Mess
Where were you seven years ago?
Seven years ago I started Grace In Everything. I remember sitting on the floor in my parent’s house next to my cat, Patches, excited for all of these thoughts to form, lessons to unfold, and friends to make. I can almost feel the terrible carpet under my legs. It definitely had some cat-urf residue in it.
I blogged consistently for three years and inconsistently for two. Those years made me pay attention. Something about blogging helped me to keep my eyes open to all of the things that God teaches us. It was a sweet time of processing during some of the first big changes in my life, changes like going to college, moving out of my parents house, and traveling the world. It was also great practice for me as I entered into my career of public relations.
But life picked up the pace. More changes happened (namely, I started working at least three jobs at a time). I found myself writing much less. Reading much less. And living much more. That’s okay.
For almost a year now, though, I’ve felt the pull. Thoughts have started forming. Life still changes a mile a minute, but it’s time to return to the accountability and vulnerability of blogging. So here I am, late at night in my own place now. Patches is no more, but perhaps I’ll look back in seven years and remember the pile of books by my bed and hear the hum of my roommate’s fan.
I do not pretend that what I think on this blog will change your life or even your day, but I hope that the Lord’s Word encourages you and I remind you that it’s okay to be a Hot Mess in the hands of the Lord.
Because I certainly am.
For to reflect on the changes from the past seven years makes me tired. I sometimes feel the need to catch up. For sure I probably need to clean my car.
But life is here. Living is for now.
So be a Hot Mess. Be a Hot Mess in the hands of God, the safest place to be a Hot Mess. And if you like, follow along with me and my Hot Mess of a life as I ponder the gospel, grace, and the ever-changing nature of life.
Be a Hot Mess in the hands of God, the safest place to be a Hot Mess.
I have three series mapped out for the next six months or so, and if what I already communicated today resonated with you, the first series is gunna hit hard. It’s anchored in Matthew 6 and might simplify your approach to life, anxiety, and following Jesus. The first post in “Seek First His Kingdom” comes out in two weeks.
Thank you for reading this and reflecting alongside me today.
Until next post,