Open Hands Bonus Content

There are so many digital resources I wanted to include in the book, but alas, it is paper and ink. Maybe one of these days we will have holographic books, but I’m sure those days will scare me and I’ll still preferred Old Fashioned paper.
Anyways, enjoy all the bonus content and resources for Open Hands. Enjoy these as you read the book or after!

These are the anthems of Open Hands. They are both the songs that I listened to as I wrote it and the songs that reminded me of what I wrote.

Open Hands originated from a journal entry, so I do not take lightly the power of bringing our written words before the Lord. Take some time to answer these journaling prompts as you go through Open Hands.

Watch Hannah go deeper into the concepts of Open Hands, how they have stood firm in her life, and a prayer for her readers.